The Box
In the beginning, God put an atom into a box,
A message never to be seen.
The box was sealed and the message concealed.
Once upon a time, the Devil opened that box.
The atom divided, and the box widened.
Continued expansion spread the message through time,
Division, collision formed the planets and stars.
Yet aeons later, lost on Mars,
Found was that message that came from afar.
The message on which the planet was founded,
And for which the Martians floundered,
While molten magnets conspired and tired,
Into space the message fired.
A cosmic event, the message sent,
Sent forth and out, the message now a beam of light,
Hindered down, faltered flight,
Just a careless beam of light,
Too close, down the well, and out of sight,
Gravity says goodnight to light.
But here it is an Ammonite!
A bright fossil message from dead light.
Then that light would seed a cell,
And with it's secrets yet to tell,
The message found a new abode,
A place where it became a code.
This is the story of billions of years,
And the one that brought us here.
But stars and species never last,
DNA disperses fast,
Copied and mutated,
That message now a mess.
The message God sealed in a box,
That box the Devil opened.
The message that came from the stars,
That message from Mars.
And that message now is ours.
So we put it in a box again,
All the Universe and stars,
To start again, because now it's ours.
But who will open the box this time?
The Devil?
This box is mine.